Alban Times


130 39TH AVE PL, NW
(828) 324-1351

 Office Hours:   Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


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Men’s Study Group:  Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. at the big table by the kitchen. Join this group for discussion, fellowship and coffee.

John Earl Outreach Round Table (ORT):  Do you want to be involved on St. Alban’s Outreach Ministries?  This important group meets and facilitates how are funds are distributed to local, national, and worldwide ministries.  ORT meets once a month on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. (Next meeting TBD)

Altar Guild:   Altar Guild is comprised of group of laypersons in a parish church who maintain the ceremonial objects used in worship.  Their responsibilities include care of linens and maintaining the ceremonial objects used in worship. Each team is responsible for one Sunday a week.  If you are interested in joining one of our teams or would like more information, please contact Constance Snyder (

Ushers:  Ushers play a vital role each week welcoming parishioners, distributing service leaflets, keeping count of attendees, and answering questions that may arise before worship.  If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Paige Stocks (

Outreach Garden Ministry:  This ministry schedule depends on the time of year and the needs of the garden.  It is a wonderful way to get involved with a small group of garden loving people!  (Experience is not necessary!). Please contact Grover Houck ( or Pat Rice ( for more information.

Please CLICK HERE to view and subscribe to our weekly email to receive more information about our many opportunities available at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church.


Email the Staff:

Rev. Anne Bridgers:

Office Administrator, Kim Wagner

Financial Administrator, Janet Dziesinski

Youth/Children & Parish Communication, Cami Roberts:

Director of Music Tammy Shook:

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